Friday, March 26, 2010

Birthday :-)

Monday is my birthday... I work all day though, so we're celebrating all weekend :-) Tonight Jon's mom and my dad and stepmom came over. I got 2 charms for my Pandora bracelet from my mother in law, and a purse from my dad. Jon and the boys got me a gift certificate for a 90 minute facial (woo hoo!) and 2 charms. My bracelet is starting to fill up!

Weighed in at Weight Watchers today, lost 3 lbs, so I'm officially down 9 lbs! I have 5 more lbs to go to get to my 10% goal. I did the stair mill for 45 minutes today at the gym after weight watchers, it was so hard... I started to feel a bit nauseous at the end, not sure if it's cause I was working out closer to lunch time than I'm used to. I usually go right after I eat breakfast, today I went after weight watchers. It was a good workout though. I think that tomorrow I'm going to either run on the treadmill or do the elliptical, then I'd like to try the Yoga class. I've never done it there, just at home from dvds.

We're having friends over for pizza tomorrow for lunch. I'm going to make a salad too and just eat 1 piece of pizza! I don't want to blow a bunch of points on pizza! I have a ton of homework to do before next Thursday, hoping to fit it in this weekend, too! We were going to see a movie on Sunday, but I think we're going to wait until next Friday so I have some time to finish some homework...

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